It was about 76 on Monday afternoon and as I walked past our AC unit I heard a "woo woo woo" sound and this time it wasn't the Lacie! I opened up the AC closet and it was frozen with ice. Off it went and I changed the filter. Thinking it would be OK once it thawed and the ice was gone, I waited till the night to turn it back on. But nope, just a "woo, woo, woo".
So first thing on Tuesday morning I called the AC company that had installed the unit when we replaced our original builder grade unit. Since it was going to be a really cold night, she said the technician would be out before the end of the day, Yea!
Eric the Tech called and said he'd be there after 1 pm and at 12:50 the door bell rang. It took him only a minute after turning it on, opening the cover and I'm sure hearing the "woo, woo, woo" to figure out it was the fan blower motor. He called it in and low and behold our Warranty ran out 2 weeks prior. To my surprise, the said they called the manufacture and they would still cover the motor. Yea! The labor wasn't covered so the price would be $375 instead of the $895 it would have cost with the motor, too. Yea? I guess! But of course, they had to order it and would be back in the morning to install. No yea, as the house was already getting cold.
Well, overnight the house inside got into the 50's and I'm the one that turns the heat on whenever it gets below 70! I slept in 2 pairs of socks, sweat pants and 2 tops and on the bed 5 covers plus a pink Snuggie that wrapped me in warmth.(see pic)
I was so worried about my spoiled Fids. I already cover them every night to keep them snuggy. So I pulled their cages away from the glass doors and double/triple covered them, too!(see pics)
The next morning at 8:30 am with a knock on the door, I rolled out of my heavy blankets, slipped into my slippers and Eric the Tech carried in a pretty new fan blower motor. OK, it was ugly but pretty to me because it meant warmth!! Just 5 minutes and a big check later, the house was on it's way to being nice and toasty!! Yea!
Hope your family stayed warm and snuggly even if your city was freezing..... Burrrrrrr!
Louie and Libby buried in blankets!
Lacie snuggy, too!
Yes, 1-2-3-4-5 & Snuggie! but my face was still cold!
Wow that is cold for your area. I am in Oregon and even WE are warmer than that. Your birds must be wondering what in the world is happening. Take care
Two words for you - "electric heater" for the bird room. I know that temperature was unusual for your region though. I live in Philly and we keep the house at 68-70 degrees all year yound . My three have their own heater and they all get partially covered with their own special blankets on the cooler months, but not in summer.
i just love what all we do for our beloved pets !!!! yay us!!!
Hi Mimi !
Loved reading your blog! Made me laugh and sympathize with you too. We haven't caught up in awhile but I'm living in Miami Beach in a small art deco apt. Real cute! I love it! But boy oh boy did I freeze my tushing this past week. I have Chelsea windows & AC wall units , the air seeps in thru the cracks & the building is ice cold! I slept with two socks, sweatsuit,and had several snuggies!!! My doggie Max also froze i wrapped him up so tight in blankies too! I'm so glad the cold is leaving :) . Plus ima get me a small heater too! Whew! Talk soon . Marcie
Hi Mimi,
You and your fids really have my sympathy. I'm with Julie, but I'm adding two more words...electric perches! Did you know that no matter how many blankets you pile on your birds' cages, the birds can't generate anymore heat?! You are merely preventing cold drafts, not keeping them warm or producing heat. They need an extra source of heat because they can't generate any more heat with their bodies just because there are blankets over their cages. Now if you could WRAP them in a blanket (like you did yourself), their own heat could be trapped, but they can't generate enough heat to trap in a large cage. So electric perches are just what the doctor ordered, or heating pads or a space heater, or all of the above. Hope this helps and that the FL cold spell will soon be over. Warmly, Susan
Really in Florida the cold spells are far and few between. Plus like I said I put the heat on as soon as it gets below 70. It was just a feak thing that out AC/Heater went out the day we had our coldest night. Murphy's Law!! Sue, I actually did have a heated perch but didn't use it. I gifted to another ringneck Mom on Birdchannel that lived in a cold city and her IRN had plucked. It was nice that her IRN loved it!!
Crazy it's Jan 21st and 80 degrees today! I watched lovely snow flurries in NYC today, looked like fun!!
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